Migration Guide

If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in Niquests. We’re thrilled to have you onboard.

This section will cover two use cases:

  • I am a developer that regularly drive Requests

  • I am a library maintainer that depend on Requests

Developer migration

Niquests aims to be as compatible as possible with Requests, and that is with confidence that you can migrate to Niquests without breaking changes.

import requests

Would turn into either

import niquests

Or simply

import niquests as requests

Maintainer migration

In order to migrate your library with confidence, you’ll have to also adjust your tests. The library itself (sources) should be really easy to migrate (cf. developer migration) but the tests may be harder to adapt.

The main reason behind this difficulty is often related to a strong tie with third-party mocking library such as response.

To overcome this, we will introduce you to a clever bypass. If you are using pytest, do the following in your conftest.py, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/6.2.x/fixture.html#conftest-py-sharing-fixtures-across-multiple-files for more information. (The goal would simply to execute the following piece of code before the tests)

from sys import modules

import niquests
import urllib3

# the mock utility 'response' only works with 'requests'
modules["requests"] = niquests
modules["requests.adapters"] = niquests.adapters
modules["requests.exceptions"] = niquests.exceptions
modules["requests.packages.urllib3"] = urllib3


This code sample is only to be executed in a development environment, it permit to fool the third-party dependencies that have a strong tie on Requests.