
This document discusses using various kinds of authentication with Niquests.

Many web services require authentication, and there are many different types. Below, we outline various forms of authentication available in Niquests, from the simple to the complex.

Basic Authentication#

Many web services that require authentication accept HTTP Basic Auth. This is the simplest kind, and Niquests supports it straight out of the box.

Making requests with HTTP Basic Auth is very simple:

>>> from niquests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
>>> basic = HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass')
>>> niquests.get('', auth=basic)
<Response HTTP/2 [200]>

In fact, HTTP Basic Auth is so common that Niquests provides a handy shorthand for using it:

>>> niquests.get('', auth=('user', 'pass'))
<Response HTTP/2 [200]>

Providing the credentials in a tuple like this is exactly the same as the HTTPBasicAuth example above.

netrc Authentication#

If no authentication method is given with the auth argument, Niquests will attempt to get the authentication credentials for the URL’s hostname from the user’s netrc file. The netrc file overrides raw HTTP authentication headers set with headers=.

If credentials for the hostname are found, the request is sent with HTTP Basic Auth.

Digest Authentication#

Another very popular form of HTTP Authentication is Digest Authentication, and Niquests supports this out of the box as well:

>>> from niquests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
>>> url = ''
>>> niquests.get(url, auth=HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass'))
<Response HTTP/2 [200]>

OAuth 1 Authentication#

A common form of authentication for several web APIs is OAuth. The requests-oauthlib library allows Niquests users to easily make OAuth 1 authenticated requests:

>>> import niquests
>>> from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1

>>> url = ''
>>> auth = OAuth1('YOUR_APP_KEY', 'YOUR_APP_SECRET',

>>> niquests.get(url, auth=auth)
<Response HTTP/2 [200]>

For more information on how to OAuth flow works, please see the official OAuth website. For examples and documentation on requests-oauthlib, please see the requests_oauthlib repository on GitHub

OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect Authentication#

The requests-oauthlib library also handles OAuth 2, the authentication mechanism underpinning OpenID Connect. See the requests-oauthlib OAuth2 documentation for details of the various OAuth 2 credential management flows:

Other Authentication#

Niquests is designed to allow other forms of authentication to be easily and quickly plugged in. Members of the open-source community frequently write authentication handlers for more complicated or less commonly-used forms of authentication. Some of the best have been brought together under the Requests organization, including:

If you want to use any of these forms of authentication, go straight to their GitHub page and follow the instructions.

New Forms of Authentication#

If you can’t find a good implementation of the form of authentication you want, you can implement it yourself. Niquests makes it easy to add your own forms of authentication.

To do so, subclass AuthBase and implement the __call__() method:

>>> import niquests
>>> class MyAuth(niquests.auth.AuthBase):
...     def __call__(self, r):
...         # Implement my authentication
...         return r
>>> url = ''
>>> niquests.get(url, auth=MyAuth())
<Response HTTP/2 [200]>

When an authentication handler is attached to a request, it is called during request setup. The __call__ method must therefore do whatever is required to make the authentication work. Some forms of authentication will additionally add hooks to provide further functionality.

Further examples can be found under the Requests organization and in the file.